On December 18, 2022, Elon Musk Twitter announced that it will be banning the posting of links to Facebook, Instagram, Linktree, and Mastodon on its platform. This decision has been met with both support and criticism from users, with some praising the move as a necessary step to combat the spread of misinformation and others expressing concerns about censorship and freedom of speech.
While the world was watching the FIFA World Cup final, Twitter dropped a massive bombshell and banned links promoting other social networks. Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, Truth Social, Tribel, Nostr, and Post are currently on the list.
In addition, link-in-bio tools like Linktree and Lnk. Bio is also prohibited, despite the fact that these services are widely used by both creators and businesses. You can’t post links to your other social profiles or even type your handle in a tweet.
Twitter on the 19th of December removed the tweets that announced the policy prohibiting people from posting handles and links to other social networks. The policy page that detailed these rules have also been silently removed by the company. Meanwhile, the Twitter Safety account launched a poll asking users if the company should establish a policy prohibiting accounts from solely promoting other social networks.
Twitter faced a barrage of criticism after changing its policy. Musk stated in a response to a user that the policy will be changed to suspend accounts whose sole purpose is to promote other social networks. Twitter, on the other hand, has made no official announcements about this.
While some users have applauded the decision as a necessary measure to combat the spread of false information, others have expressed concerns about censorship and the potential for Twitter to abuse its power. Some users have pointed out that the decision could potentially limit the free exchange of ideas and stifle debate, as it will prevent users from linking to sources outside of Twitter.
In response to these concerns, Twitter has emphasized that the ban on links to these platforms is not intended to censor or limit the free exchange of ideas. Instead, the company claims that the ban is intended to ensure the integrity of the conversation on its platform and prevent the amplification of harmful content.
Despite these assurances, the decision to ban links to these platforms has sparked a heated debate among users, with some expressing support for the move and others expressing concern about the potential for censorship. It remains to be seen how the decision will impact the overall conversation on Twitter and whether it will be successful in combating the spread of misinformation and disinformation on the platform.