Email and other services were interrupted overnight in North America and other parts of the world due to a lengthy outage of Microsoft Outlook.
It’s possible that users trying to access who are predominantly based in North America won’t be able to send, receive, or search email. The business stated on its service website that additional functionality, such as the calendar used by other services like Microsoft Teams, will also be impacted.
Microsoft tweeted, “a recent change is contributing to the cause of impact. We’re working on potential solutions to restore availability of the service.”
The outage appears to have started after 10:30 p.m. ET Monday, according to Downdetector.
In an update posted at 4 a.m. ET Tuesday, Microsoft said there had been a gradual improvement in the situation for users outside North America, but that they might continue to “experience some residual impact due to the affected portions of the infrastructure.”
“We’re continuing to perform targeted restart operations on the primarily affected infrastructure in North America in order to restore the availability of the service,” it added.
Microsoft did not immediately respond to a request for comment early Tuesday morning.