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Belgium’s State Secretary for Digitalization, Mathieu Michel, announced on Friday that he has formally requested Apple to update the software of its iPhone 12 devices across all European Union (EU) countries. This action comes in response to mounting health concerns surrounding the iPhone 12’s radiation exposure levels. However, Michel also noted that preliminary findings from a review by the Belgian regulatory body, IBPT, have so far shown no imminent danger to users.

In an official statement, Mathieu Michel stated that while the IBPT’s assessment of the iPhone 12 is still ongoing, the initial results are “reassuring.” Consequently, at this stage, there is no immediate requirement for a recall of the iPhone 12 in Belgium.


This development follows Belgium’s recent announcement that it would be conducting an in-depth examination of potential health risks associated with Apple’s iPhone 12. The move came after France took the unprecedented step of halting sales of the iPhone 12 due to concerns over the device’s radiation exposure levels exceeding established limits.

While Belgium’s preliminary findings are encouraging, the broader EU landscape remains vigilant regarding the iPhone 12’s compliance with safety regulations. As Belgium takes the lead in addressing these concerns, other European countries may follow suit and conduct their own assessments, potentially leading to more widespread actions or bans.

Apple has not yet responded to Belgium’s request for a software update, and the situation is evolving. In the meantime, users and authorities alike will continue to monitor the situation closely, with a focus on the safety and compliance of the iPhone 12 in the EU.

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