European Union industry chief Thierry Breton urged Apple CEO Tim Cook on Tuesday to loosen the reins on the tech giant’s closely guarded ecosystem of hardware and software, signaling a call for increased competition in the digital marketplace.

Breton’s remarks followed a meeting with Tim Cook in Brussels, during which they discussed the evolving landscape of the tech industry. “The next task for Apple and other major tech players, in line with the Digital Markets Act (DMA), is to open their gates to competitors,” Breton conveyed in an interview with Reuters.

He emphasized the need for Apple to expand accessibility for consumers using its iPhones, particularly in areas such as electronic wallets, browsers, and app stores. Breton underscored the importance of allowing users to access a wider range of competitive services from various providers.

Apple declined to comment on the matter, maintaining its customary silence during discussions with regulators and industry officials.

The Digital Markets Act, recently adopted by the European Union, outlines a set of guidelines and regulations for tech companies like Apple. These guidelines are designed to foster competition and level the playing field within the digital marketplace.

In addition to advocating for increased competition, Breton took aim at Apple’s argument that its closed ecosystem is driven by concerns about security and privacy. “EU regulation promotes innovation while upholding robust standards of security and privacy,” he asserted.

The push for greater openness within Apple’s ecosystem is part of the EU’s broader efforts to create a more competitive and consumer-friendly digital environment. The Digital Markets Act represents a significant step toward achieving these goals, and industry leaders like Apple are being closely scrutinized for their adherence to the new regulations.

As discussions between EU regulators and tech giants continue, the outcome will have far-reaching implications not only for Apple but for the broader tech industry, as the European Union seeks to strike a balance between fostering innovation and ensuring consumer protection in the digital age.

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