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In a recent development at the United Nations Security Council, Russia has put forth its own proposal for a resolution aimed at ending the Space Arms Race. This move comes after Russia vetoed a draft resolution presented by the United States and Japan concerning the non-deployment of nuclear weapons in space.

Background: Veto of US and Japan Draft Resolution


In April, Russia exercised its veto power to block the draft resolution jointly proposed by the United States and Japan. The resolution focused on preventing the deployment of nuclear weapons in space. Russia’s ambassador to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, criticized the draft, alleging that its underlying motive was to discredit Russia and sow discord among Security Council members.

Russia’s Proposal for Peaceful Space Exploration

Ambassador Nebenzya emphasized Russia’s commitment to maintaining peace and stability, highlighting the country’s special responsibility as a permanent member of the UN Security Council. In line with this commitment, Russia has submitted its own draft resolution on the prevention of an arms race in outer space (PAROS).

Purpose of Russia’s Draft Resolution

The primary objective of Russia’s draft resolution is to address concerns related to the militarization of space and prevent the escalation of an arms race beyond Earth’s atmosphere. By proposing this resolution, Russia aims to promote dialogue and cooperation among UN member states to ensure the peaceful exploration and utilization of outer space.

Conclusion: Pursuing Diplomatic Solutions

Russia’s initiative to propose a draft resolution underscores its commitment to diplomatic solutions and multilateral cooperation in addressing global security challenges. The proposal reflects Russia’s proactive approach to promoting peace and stability in outer space, an arena critical for the advancement of humanity’s scientific and technological endeavors.

As discussions continue within the UN Security Council, the international community awaits further developments regarding the adoption of measures to prevent the militarization of space.

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